Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2016

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Note: A minimum of 25 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium me
Nick Heiting
1. Nick Heiting .433
2. Ryan Romens .345
3. Joe Kiemen .302
4. Alex Sutherland .294
5. Josh Stanisch .267
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium me
Nick Heiting
1. Nick Heiting .465
2. Ryan Romens .397
3. Joe Kiemen .388
4. Alex Sutherland .368
5. Paul Smith .357
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium me
Nick Heiting
1. Nick Heiting .972
2. Ryan Romens .914
3. Alex Sutherland .721
4. Joe Kiemen .713
5. Josh Stanisch .656
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium img 0486
Ryan Romens
1. Ryan Romens .517
2. Nick Heiting .507
3. Josh Stanisch .356
4. Alex Sutherland .353
5. Chris Laurishke .328
Note: A minimum of 12 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium don
Don August
1. Don August 3.44
2. Ben Burns 5.74
3. Tommy Wolf 11.29
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium don
Don August
1. Don August 1.37
2. Ben Burns 1.57
3. Tommy Wolf 2.29
Innings Pitched IP
Medium don
Don August
1. Don August 83.2
2. Ben Burns 26.2
3. Tommy Wolf 18.1
4. Lukas Kell 9.0
5. Chris Mathis 6.0
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium tommy
Tommy Wolf
1. Tommy Wolf 19
2. Don August 14
3. Ben Burns 8
4. Lukas Kell 8
5. Chris Mathis 4
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.